Sunday, June 23, 2013

No where close to where we want to be

As I gaze out towards the smoldering bonfire from last night, I can't help but notice the flower gardens. And the fenceline. And the pond. Oh, gosh. Will we ever get to where we want to be around here? It's so overwhelming that I just want to go back inside sometimes and hide from the world. But, that's not me. Not anymore at least.

Things don't happen overnight. I'm a slow learner. When we moved to the farm, we were going to do this. And do that. And not stop until it was done. But, who was I kidding? Only myself. I was forgetting a rule I learned many, many years ago. Take One Day At A Time. Heck, take one hour at a time if you need to. I've had to do this so many times over the years and for some reason, when I moved here I forgot that.

Yes, things don't happen overnight. All Things Country didn't gain it's popularity overnight. We still meet people - in Irvine - who have never seen a copy of the magazine and we are starting our 8th year. If I had given up the many times over the years that I've been discouraged, trust me there wouldn't be a magazine. But my dad taught me to never give up - and I haven't. We didn't sell a single ad all week - and I'm more content that I've been in months. The ads will come - and if they don't then the book will just be smaller. One day at a time.

The farm however is looking wonderful. No where close to where I wanted to be at this time. But alot further along than we were five days ago. And today is another day to make a difference. One day at a time. Today I shall spend in those flower gardens. Trying to control the weeds. If I just plant more then there will be less room for weeds right? I've declared it the year of the mulching, but that won't happen until I get a handle on the weeds currently residing there.

The Dave person isn't real good at helping in the weed department. He's told me many time over the years, "I don't pull weeds." Today, he has promised to help me. Goodness sakes, I'll have to have my camera handy to catch this event. I'm joking, of course. He helps me from time to time. He just grumbles. But he also stands up on the porch and points out the beauty of the flowers too, so I know he enjoys them. Just a little maybe.

The forecast calls for rain almost every afternoon this coming week. Although I won't turn down moisture in the gardens, I sure hope it stays away on Saturday for the shearing. It makes the job that much messier!!

Well, I'm not getting anything done sitting on this computer. Have a great Sunday, wherever you may be.


My front porch is your front porch, won't you sit awhile?

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