Thursday, June 27, 2013

Got fins?

My goodness, we had quite the rains overnight. Thunder, lightning, the whole nine yards. The alpacas aren't too thrilled with all the wet ground, but the temperature dropped several degrees so they are actually happier I think! Shearing can't come soon enough. Next year, we'll be doing our shearing in May to get it done quicker in the year. Waiting until June is just too hard on them.

As I look off the front porch this morning I see water standing everywhere. Not ideal, but hey - we'll deal with it. We have a huge covered porch, so we'll even deal with rain if that happens Saturday. Of course, rain will put a halt to the barn painting so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rains stay away. Toes, too!

The ducks seem to be rather content this morning. Of course, they're ducks! A bit of water doesn't bug them a bit.... just brings the bugs to the surface and makes them easier to eat. They have built-in fins, so they don't sink when they wander through the garden. Not true for me. One step into it this morning and I started to sink in. Not good. I've got too much to get accomplished outside for the soggy weather to stick around all day.

Yesterday was quite the disaster around the farm, so I'm really praying for a better day today. We started out with a phone call from dad, asking if we knew who was in the wreck on Highway 89. Dad said there was a car wrapped around a tree, so I'm just praying the driver got out safely. Then we got the call from  Fuzzy Butt Alpacas - they have to work mandatory overtime on Saturday and can't come shear! Oh no. Now what? Dave got on the phone and started making calls - and through the kindness of Eve Secrist in Richmond we found someone that can come on such short notice. He's actually going to be in Beattyville Saturday morning shearing sheep, so stopping here for the afternoon worked out good for him. He's from Somerset so would be traveling this way anyway. One blessing answered.

As Dave was talking to Mr. Crowe on the phone I noticed that the kitchen floor was flooded. What on earth! Something got stopped up in the dishwasher and the water overflowed onto the floor. Whew. Nothing serious. Just clean up work. By this time, it's well after noon and the day is half shot. I would say what else could go wrong, but won't. The rest of the day consisted of another wreck on Highway 89 in the afternoon, a torrential storm passing over and getting nothing really accomplished for the shearing.

But, one day at a time. We'll get there. And if we don't, we don't. But we'll give it a heck of a shot. Guess I'd best get to work. Lots to be done and a short amount of time to get there. I am hoping you have the best day possible and keep smiling!


My front porch is your front porch, won't you sit awhile?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

No where close to where we want to be

As I gaze out towards the smoldering bonfire from last night, I can't help but notice the flower gardens. And the fenceline. And the pond. Oh, gosh. Will we ever get to where we want to be around here? It's so overwhelming that I just want to go back inside sometimes and hide from the world. But, that's not me. Not anymore at least.

Things don't happen overnight. I'm a slow learner. When we moved to the farm, we were going to do this. And do that. And not stop until it was done. But, who was I kidding? Only myself. I was forgetting a rule I learned many, many years ago. Take One Day At A Time. Heck, take one hour at a time if you need to. I've had to do this so many times over the years and for some reason, when I moved here I forgot that.

Yes, things don't happen overnight. All Things Country didn't gain it's popularity overnight. We still meet people - in Irvine - who have never seen a copy of the magazine and we are starting our 8th year. If I had given up the many times over the years that I've been discouraged, trust me there wouldn't be a magazine. But my dad taught me to never give up - and I haven't. We didn't sell a single ad all week - and I'm more content that I've been in months. The ads will come - and if they don't then the book will just be smaller. One day at a time.

The farm however is looking wonderful. No where close to where I wanted to be at this time. But alot further along than we were five days ago. And today is another day to make a difference. One day at a time. Today I shall spend in those flower gardens. Trying to control the weeds. If I just plant more then there will be less room for weeds right? I've declared it the year of the mulching, but that won't happen until I get a handle on the weeds currently residing there.

The Dave person isn't real good at helping in the weed department. He's told me many time over the years, "I don't pull weeds." Today, he has promised to help me. Goodness sakes, I'll have to have my camera handy to catch this event. I'm joking, of course. He helps me from time to time. He just grumbles. But he also stands up on the porch and points out the beauty of the flowers too, so I know he enjoys them. Just a little maybe.

The forecast calls for rain almost every afternoon this coming week. Although I won't turn down moisture in the gardens, I sure hope it stays away on Saturday for the shearing. It makes the job that much messier!!

Well, I'm not getting anything done sitting on this computer. Have a great Sunday, wherever you may be.


My front porch is your front porch, won't you sit awhile?

Friday, June 21, 2013

A New Beginning.....

It's a gorgeous Friday here in Palmer, Kentucky. I have totally neglected this blog, our website and our Facebook page. It's time to put a halt to that and head in a new direction. Yesterday morning I took my coffee out front and pondered. I do that alot, sitting on the porch swing and staring across the fields towards Madison County. We had so many plans when we moved here in November of 2010 - and as I looked around at all the changes, I couldn't help but notice what wasn't getting done. The front deck was a mess. How on earth did THAT happen?

The Dave person and I work every day. All day long. Sure, we don't have typical nine-to-five jobs like most people. We also don't have typical paydays like most people. We have focused so much on trying to keep All Things Country Magazine going that we have neglected the farm. So, sitting there I wondered how we got so far off track.

Several reasons came to my mind. We waited for 253 days just to own the farm. That was the first hurdle. Financing turned into a nightmare and we lost $8,000.00 right off the bat. But, we had dreams. Big dreams. So, with hard work, we could surely make a go of it, right?

Then my sister and her husband moved here. Seems like things just kept getting more and more off-track. And the work on the magazine just kept getting slower and slower. The economy jumped in the way and the nasty way our country is being run kept people from advertising. Seems to be that way again right now. What did we do, we worked harder.

I have never wanted the magazine to fail. So much so that all of our resources were being used up trying to sell ads to businesses that couldn't afford them any longer. It doesn't pay to drive around every day, using up lots and lots of gas and not making anything. It's kind of like opening up your shop each day, working 8 hours and never making a sale. That's the way it's been going.

By the time we get home each day, we found the farm was getting less and less of our attention. And that is far from our long-term goal here. Adjustments have to be made. If one way isn't working, you always figure out a different way - and that's what we are going to do. Try things a different way. I'm not good at failing. And I refuse to give up on All Things Country Magazine.

But, I refuse to give up on the AlpacaBerry Farm. It's my long term dream and you just don't give up on dreams. I want this place to be a 'destination'. I want visitors to come and see what improvements have been made. I want you to bring your kids here and introduce them to the critters or learn something about where their food comes from. I want you to bring your momma out here to see the beautiful flower gardens. I want you to bring your grandkidlets out to fish in the pond.

So, this farm deserves just as much attention as the magazine. A lot of people know about our magazine. Advertising somehow comes around during the latter part of the month. I am going to do what I can to promote it through email and online - and we will start making less trips out, which will allow us to be at the farm more - and doing improvements each and every day.

In the long run, I'd rather work 12 hours on this farm and showing it off to visitors. It's very rewarding and to see the improvements each and every day will just keep us more determined to succeed.

So, I'm off to see what we can improve today. Blessings to each and every one of you.

The Pam person

My front porch is your front porch, won't you sit awhile?